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Offline Ilyria

« on: November 19, 2018, 11:57:47 AM »
Name: of Balmore, Ilyria
Nickname: Lyr
Age: 16
Race: Neran
Born: Near the village of Twin Streams
Birth date: the excact date is unknown (16 years ago, I guess)
Mother: Vah'na Lym
Father: Kaidus Dungren
Raised by: Norhan (Uncle)
Member of: Anorian Guilds of Industry

Ilyria (Lyr) Character Description: This young girl is in her early teens, sporting a broad smile and grey eyes. A trace of a thin scar is evident on her left cheek. She is wearing green-dyed leather armor, black belt and high boots and has a short sword hung from her baldric.

Backstory: “Lyr” grew up near the village of Werth, not too far from the capitol. She’s fairly educated and came from a noble family, although she’s had a taste for getting herself in over her head as a child.

Her Uncle Norhan told her stories of adventures and such, which got her “curious” about seeking fame and fortune.

When she was fifteen, she decided to explore the Blightwood Forest near her home, where she was grazed on her left cheek by a small bear. Since then she’s slowed down “a little” in her ways as part of the town militia, if there’s something exciting to do and she gets wind of it, she’ll definitely pitch in. Now in her twenties, she’s a bit more respectful towards the wild.

She doesn’t like being called Ilyria, her given name – and is first to correct someone using it, except her parents. In her belt pouch, she carries a locket she found with a drawing of a rather handsome young boy and the word “Michael” in styled calligraphy. Perhaps she can find out who he is, who knows?



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