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Author [EN] [PL] [ES] [PT] [IT] [DE] [FR] [NL] [TR] [SR] [AR] [RU] Topic: Een mooie glimlach  (Read 29449 times)

Offline Ilyria

Een mooie glimlach
« on: July 17, 2014, 02:57:53 PM »

ANOTHER “eye candy” is catching the attention of World Cup fans. She is Jang Ye Won, a newscaster for Korean channel SBS.
www.allkpop.com reported that the newscaster, who attended the football game wearing a Spanish jersey, is the talk of the Internet.
Jang is apparently trending on Reddit, 9gag, Twitter and other social networking sites.
Korean entertainment and culture website www.noonchi.us, stated that Jang, born in 1990, was the youngest SBS newscaster when she was hired in 2012.

Tags: glimlach 


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