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Author [EN] [PL] [ES] [PT] [IT] [DE] [FR] [NL] [TR] [SR] [AR] [RU] Topic: Song of today  (Read 43482 times)

Offline Ilyria

Song of today
« on: March 07, 2016, 10:31:13 AM »


To know once that this will last forever,
(and) is not rush that already sued the night,
is not color bloom nor candle flicker,
by the grey of morning long chased off.

To capture once, to feel deep in the bloodstream,
This is mine and it's only through you.
No more cooling my forehead on the windowpane,
heavy did a fog-cloud pass it by.

To capture once, to feel deep in the bloodstream,
This is mine and it's only through you;
Laments a bird, but, oh, my plumage too,
Wets the rain; I fly through the world.


Einmal wissen dieses bleibt für immer
Ist nicht Rausch der schon die Nacht verklagt
Ist nicht Farbenschmelz noch Kerzenschimmer
Von dem Grau des Morgens längst verjagt

Einmal fassen tief I'm Blute fühlen
Dies ist mein und es ist nur durch dich
Nicht die Stirne mehr am Fenster kühlen
Dran ein Nebel schwer vorüber strich

Einmal fassen tief I'm Blute fühlen
Dies ist mein und es ist nur durch dich
Klagt ein Vogel, ach auch mein Gefieder
Näßt der Regen flieg ich durch die Welt

Flieg ich durch die Welt

Offline Ilyria

Re: Song of today
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2016, 08:32:24 PM »
Here is an other one. I hope you have earplugs in:

Give Me Chocolate!!

Atatata taata taatatata zukkyun.
Watatata taata taatatata dokkyun.
Zukyun. Dokyun. Zukyun. Dokyun.
I won’t. Won’t. Won’t. Won’t. Never. Never. Never.

Check-it-out chocolate. Can I have a bit of chocolate?
But my weight worries me a bit these days.
However, chocolate. Can I have a bit of chocolate?
But wait a while! Wait a while! Wait! Wait! Wait!

Atatata taata taatatata zukkyun.
Wadadada daada daadadada dokkyun.
Zukyun. Dokyun. Zukyun. Dokyun.
Yet. Yet. Yet. Yet. Never. Never. Never.

Check-it-out chocolate. I can have a bit of chocolate, can’t I?
But my weight worries me a bit these days.
However, chocolate. I can have a bit of chocolate, can’t I?
But wait a while! Wait a while! Wait! Wait! Wait!

Parappappappaa rappappappaa rappappappaa paapapapapaa.
Too, too late. Too, too late. Too, too. P! P! P! Come on!

Atatata taata taatatata zukkyun.
Wadadada daada daadadada dokkyun.
Zukyun. Dokyun. Zukyun. Dokyun.
I won’t. Won’t. Won’t. Won’t. Never. Never. Never.

I did it so hard. I did my best.
So, a bit (heart). I ask you just a little bit.
Quickly chocolate. Please give me chocolate quickly!
Pass me chocolate! Chocolate please!

Check-it-out chocolate. I can have a bit of chocolate, can’t I?
I think so, don’t you? It’s so good. I’ll be so happy and can work hard.
So, chocolate. I can have a bit of chocolate, can’t I?
I think so, don’t you? Just a little bit. I’ll eat just a little bit of chocolate.

Parappappappaa rappappappaa rappappappaa paapapapapaa.
Too, too late. Too, too late. Too, too. P! P! P! Come on!
Parappappappaa rappappappaa rappappappaa paapapapapaa.
Pappappaa pappappaa pappappaa paapapapapaa.

Offline Ilyria

Re: Song of today
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2016, 08:17:54 AM »
The Asteroids Galaxy Tour - The Golden Age

Offline Ilyria

Re: Song of today
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2016, 12:24:17 PM »
Today a total different song. I am in an spiritual mood today:

Offline Ilyria

Re: Song of today
« Reply #4 on: July 23, 2016, 11:48:47 AM »
En nu gaan we terug in de tijd. Nee, het zijn niet de Beegees, maar de echte king of Rock 'N Roll :)

Offline Ilyria

Re: Song of today
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2016, 11:53:18 AM »
Of wat vind je van Little Richard. Toen die tijd hoefden ze geen elektronische snufjes om muzikale tekortkomingen weg te effenen.

Je moest gewoon goed zijn, klaar uit!

Offline Ilyria

Re: Song of today
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2016, 01:03:44 PM »
Bob Marley en Lauryn Hill. Nog steeds de besten in mijn ogen en oren:

Offline Ilyria

Re: Song of today
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2016, 07:42:01 PM »
Johnny Cash, wat moet ik nog meer zeggen :)

Offline Ilyria

Re: Song of today
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2017, 12:37:35 PM »
This song makes me really feel how it is to be homesick:



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